Aline Santos de Oliveira


Aline Santos de Oliveira joined the PPCA in 2022, being advised by Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Quites and co-advised by Prof. Dr. Anderson Costa. Her dissertation is entitled “EXPERIENCE IN IMPLEMENTING A R&D&I MANAGEMENT MODEL IN A GROUP OF COMPANIES IN PARÁ USING DIGITAL TOOLS AND AGILE PRACTICES”.

The graduate is currently working at PRODEPA - Information and Communication Technology Company of the State of Pará, in Belém do Pará.

In her assessment, Aline considers herself “very satisfied” with the course taken at the PPCA, recommending it and reporting that her training was excellent.

The graduate's time at the PPCA reiterates the importance of offering quality training, so that professionals can enjoy unique opportunities for their professional, academic or both activities.

Text and art: PPCA - adapted from the Graduate Monitoring form (2024).



Derivaldo Machado da Silva

Ederson José Andrade Medeiros


Ederson José Andrade Medeiros joined PPCA in 2022, being advised by Prof. Dr. Elton Alves and co-advised by Prof. Dr. Otávio Teixeira. His dissertation is entitled “DEVELOPMENT OF A WEB SYSTEM TO HELP THE PROGRAMMING LOGIC TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS APPLIED TO THE NEW HIGH SCHOOL”.

His progress in the program and research resulted in a Patent: Computer Program, entitled: "System to Aid the Programming Logic Teaching-Learning Process" registered with INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property.

The graduate considers himself “satisfied” with the training received at PPCA, recommending it. In his assessment, Ederson emphasizes that “The training received at the institution will be essential for the search for new projects”.

The graduate's time at the PPCA reiterates the importance of offering quality training, so that professionals can enjoy unique opportunities for their professional, academic or both activities.

Text and artwork: PPCA - adapted from the Graduate Monitoring form (2024).


Filipe Machado da Costa Barros

Michael Santos de Oliveira

Jocenildo Asbreu Rodrigues


The graduate works at the Federal University of Pará on the Abaetetuba campus and his professional activity is directly related to his training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA).

His dissertation generated important academic products, including articles in national and international journals, as well as a book chapter. The postgraduate program had a significant impact on his career, resulting in a salary increase and expanding his professional opportunities.

Jocenildo considers himself very satisfied with the training he received. He emphasizes that the program offered solid theoretical and practical training, and also highlights the quality of the professors “always willing to help, creating a collaborative and stimulating environment”, declaring that “I recommend the PPCA to everyone seeking career advancement and significant learning in the area of ​​computing”.

The graduate's experience in the PPCA highlights the importance of a robust training, which combines theory and practice, and provides students with the necessary tools for continuous academic and professional advancement.

Art and Text: PPCA (Graduate Monitoring Form 2024).


Victor Simões Martins.



The graduate works at the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office in Belém-PA, and his professional activity is directly related to his training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA).

He considers the program essential for his professional development, and his experience with the master's degree was extremely positive.

In his assessment, he is very satisfied with the training he received and recommends the course to other professionals. He highlights the excellent format of the program, which “was well adapted for those who work regular hours” and in relation to the professors, Victor highlights their availability, attention and dedication.

The graduate's experience in PPCA highlights the importance of well-structured postgraduate programs, which offer professionals the possibility of academic and professional growth without compromising their work responsibilities.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).



Alberto Alan da Costa Raiol.


The graduate works at the Social Service of Industry (SESI) in Ananindeua - Pará, and his professional activity is directly related to his training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA).

His dissertation resulted in the publication of an article in a national journal, reflecting the impact of his research.

The graduate considers himself satisfied with the training he received and would recommend the course to other professionals, highlighting that enrolling in the postgraduate program was a great opportunity to develop research in his field of study, which contributed significantly to his academic and professional growth.

The graduate's experience in the PPCA reinforces the importance of postgraduate programs that offer professionals the chance to delve deeper into their areas of interest, generating important results for their careers.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Haelton Antônio Serrão de Carvalho.

Ingrid Nery Mendes


A graduate of the Graduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA), she has a good academic output, with results such as the publication of an article in a national journal, an article in an international journal and a book chapter.

Currently, Ingrid is pursuing her doctorate in the PPGEE at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), in Belém. Her experience in the PPCA was essential for her interest in research and motivated her to seek new opportunities, including scholarships in this field.

In her assessment, the graduate says she is very satisfied with the program and recommends the course to other professionals, highlighting that she joined the PPCA after an invitation to research digital games, her greatest motivation in the area of ​​computing and, according to her, the master's degree was crucial in helping her rediscover herself in computing through research, providing a new direction in her academic career.

Ingrid expresses her eternal gratitude to Professor Otávio Noura for introducing her to the possibility of joining the program, as well as to PPCA for the welcome and opportunities that allowed her to reconnect with academia and develop professionally.

Her trajectory reinforces the transformative impact of PPCA on the personal and academic development of its participants.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Janize Monteiro de Castilho 


The graduate works in the Brazilian Navy, in Brasília/DF, and her training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) was an important milestone in her professional career.

Janize highlights that the postgraduate course had a significant impact on her career, helping her enter the field of cybernetics.

The graduate continued her academic training by enrolling in the Specialization in Cyber ​​Warfare course at CIGE-EB in 2024, expanding her knowledge in the area of ​​cybersecurity.

In her assessment, Janize is satisfied with the master's program, as she herself highlighted: "The training I received at PPCA was important. We were in the middle of the pandemic and I saw the commitment of the professors" and states "My advisor helped me a lot, he was essential in the construction of my dissertation and in the monitoring of the master's degree".

The graduate's time at PPCA reinforces the importance of quality education, which not only prepares professionals for the job market, but also provides the necessary foundation for their continued growth in the academic and professional fields.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Jamison da Silva Vera Cruz.


The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) obtained a solid education that had a great impact on his professional career.

Currently, Jamison is a partner at Elos Tecnologia and Instituto Elos, in Irituia, Pará, where he applies his knowledge in the management and development of technological solutions.

In 2024, he entered the doctorate program of the PPGCC (Postgraduate Program in Computer Science) at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), seeking to continue his academic and professional growth.

In his assessment, Jamison says he is very satisfied with the program and recommends the course to other professionals. He highlights that the PPCA was a turning point in his professional life, providing a significant transformation both in his business performance and in his academic trajectory.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of the PPCA in the development of qualified professionals, capable of boosting their careers and ventures, in addition to seeking new high-level academic challenges.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Jhoanyn Valois Fantin Calvinho.


The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) works at the City Hall of Joinville, in Santa Catarina.

The training obtained in the PPCA was decisive for his job and salary advancement, strengthening his professional career.

In his assessment, the graduate shows that he is very satisfied with the program and recommends the course to other professionals seeking growth.

Jhoanyn emphasizes that the PPCA was essential both personally and professionally, highlighting that the master's degree was an important differentiator in obtaining points in his approval in the public exam.

The graduate's experience highlights the relevance of programs such as the PPCA in expanding opportunities and strengthening skills that positively impact the professional and personal trajectory of participants.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Josué Viana Ferreira.

Marcelo Santana Camacho

Vander Augusto Oliveira da Silva.


The graduate works at the Instituto Federal do Pará, in Parauapebas-PA, and his professional activity is directly related to his training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA). His dissertation resulted in an article published in a national journal.

Vander has also been involved in data science projects and as a substitute teacher, areas directly linked to the program's content.

The impact of the postgraduate program on his career was significant, with entry into both an academic and professional career, expanding his opportunities for work and growth.

The graduate is very satisfied with the training received, highlighting the qualification of the professionals involved and the excellent support during the course, recommending the program and recognizing the quality of the training offered.

The graduate's experience in PPCA reinforces the importance of postgraduate programs that provide not only high-level technical knowledge, but also practical opportunities for academic and professional development.

Art and Text: PPCA (Graduate Monitoring Form 2024).




Sabrina da Silva.



Anderson Francisco de Sousa Almeida

Daniel de Oliveira Ferraz


Graduates of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) have professional activities directly related to the training acquired in the program, which resulted in job and salary advancement, in addition to a growing role in their academic career.

His dissertation generated articles published in national and international journals.

In his assessment, Daniel is satisfied with the program and highlights the benefits acquired throughout his career in PPCA.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPCA in the training of highly qualified professionals, expanding their opportunities for growth and development in different areas of their career.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Demison Rolins de Souza Alves.

Laércio Pontin Júnior.


The graduate works at the Instituto Federal do Tocantins, in Colinas do Tocantins, developing activities directly related to his training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA).

The program had a significant impact on his professional career, promoting job and salary advancement, in addition to providing better working conditions.

In his assessment, Laércio considers himself very satisfied with the program, highlighting that the training he received was fundamental for his professional development.

He emphasizes that the period in the PPCA “made it possible to acquire new skills and delve deeper into innovation themes, generating results and professional development”.

The graduate's time in the PPCA reinforces the importance of high-quality training, providing professionals with opportunities for growth, both in the academic and professional fields.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Regina Mares de Souza Oliveira.


The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) achieved significant results, which were reflected in her career advancement and salary.

In addition to marking her entry into an academic career, she worked at the Instituto Federal do Pará (IFPA), on the Cametá Campus, where she has excelled professionally and contributed to the training of new talents in the area.

In her assessment, the graduate is satisfied with the program and recommends the course to other professionals seeking specialization.

Regina emphasizes that the training received at PPCA was of great quality, providing improvement in both the professional and academic fields.

The graduate's experience reinforces the positive impact of PPCA in the training of qualified professionals and in career development, especially in academia and higher education institutions.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Vitor Mendes Vilas Boas.


The graduate works at the Instituto Federal do Tocantins, in Formoso do Araguaia, and his professional activity is directly related to his training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA). During his master's degree, his dissertation resulted in an article published in a national journal.

The impact of the postgraduate degree on his professional career was significant, resulting in job and salary advancement. He achieved career progression and promotion at EBTT, which highlights the recognition and advancement in his professional career.

Vitor is very satisfied with the program and recommends it to other professionals, highlighting the importance of the training for their growth.

The graduate's experience in PPCA highlights the relevance of a quality postgraduate program, which offers not only academic development, but also opens doors for professional career advancement.

Art and Text: PPCA (Graduate Monitoring Form 2024).



Gilberto Fabricio Malheiros Menezes.

Gracielly Costa Fontes Cardoso.

Luiz Antônio Leão Lisboa Junior


The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) works at the Superintendence for the Development of the Amazon (Sudam) in Belém, Pará.

His professional activities are directly related to the training he acquired in his master's degree. In addition, he entered the academic career and is now a professor at the University of the Amazon (UNAMA), contributing to the training of new professionals in the area.

In his assessment, the graduate is very satisfied with the program and says he would recommend the course to other professionals seeking specialization. Luiz Antônio emphasizes that learning at PPCA was an enriching complement to his training, adding value both in the professional and academic spheres.

The graduate's experience reinforces the fundamental role of programs such as PPCA in developing skills that boost careers and broaden professional and personal horizons.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Mônica Silva de Oliveira.


Mônica Silva de Oliveira joined the PPCA in 2018, being advised by Prof. Dr. Adonney Veras and co-advised by Prof. Dr. Bruno Merlin. Her dissertation is entitled “ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY TO HELP TEACHING CLASSICAL GENETICS TO THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED: A CASE STUDY IN THE AMAZON REGION”.

During and after completing the course, the graduate obtained several scientific publications, including articles in national journals, book chapters and the product BioBlu - a mobile application to help teach Genetics to the visually impaired.

Working as an Information Technology technician at the Amazon Development Center in Engineering – NDAE/CAMTUC/UFPPA Tucuruí, after completing the course she enjoyed job and salary progression. In addition, she began her academic career at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará – Tucuruí Campus, working as a substitute teacher, teaching courses and coordinating projects in the area of ​​Computing.

In her assessment, Mônica considers herself “satisfied” with the course offered at PPCA, recommending it and expressing her “gratitude to all the employees of the Center involved in this process”.

The graduate’s time at PPCA reiterates the importance of offering quality training, so that professionals can enjoy unique opportunities for their professional, academic or both activities.

Text and art: PPCA - adapted from the Graduate Monitoring form (2024).


Rafael de Lima Rocha


The graduate works as a researcher at the Vale Technological Institute, in Belém - Pará, and his professional activity is directly related to his training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA).

During his career, the master's degree had a significant impact on his career, with job advancement, salary advancement, and entry into an academic and professional career. He highlights that his advancement was especially visible in relation to the level of the research grant, reflecting the progress he has made over time.

Rafael entered the Postgraduate Program in Computer Science (PPGCC) at UFPA in 2021, continuing his training. He considers himself very satisfied with the training he received at PPCA and would recommend the course to other professionals. In his statement, he highlights the exceptional quality of the program's professors, stating that they were all fundamental to his academic and professional development.

The graduate's experience at PPCA highlights the importance of a postgraduate program that offers high-level training, with qualified professors and with the ability to provide significant advancements in academic and professional careers.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).

Ralfh Alan Gomes Machado


The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) has achieved remarkable results with his dissertation: the publication of an article in a national journal, another in an international journal, and the registration of a patent.

Ralph works at the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA), in Belém, where he has achieved job and salary advancement, in addition to gaining entry into the academic career by passing a federal teaching exam.

In his assessment, he is very satisfied with the program and recommends the course, highlighting that the training received at PPCA is excellent, providing a solid foundation for his academic and professional career.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPCA in the training of highly qualified professionals, capable of positively impacting academic, scientific, and technological development.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Victor Hugo Panisa Bezerra.


The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) obtained a solid education that contributed to his career and salary advancement.

Victor works at PRODESP - Data Processing Company, in the city of São Paulo - SP, where his work is directly related to his training in PPCA.

In his assessment, the graduate is satisfied with the program and recommends the course to other professionals interested in advancing their careers. Victor highlights that the training acquired in PPCA allowed him to achieve much more rigorous standards in the development and research of systems solutions, improving his technical and professional approach.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPCA in training highly qualified professionals, ready to face complex challenges in the job market.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).



Adriano Augusto Addário dos Santos.

Alex Santos de Oliveira.


The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) works at the Instituto Federal do Pará (IFPA), on the Tucuruí campus.

His professional performance is directly related to the area of ​​training acquired in the master's degree, which contributed to his job and salary advancement.

In his assessment, the graduate considers himself fully satisfied with the program and states that he would recommend the course to other professionals interested in specializing. Alex highlights that the learning in the PPCA was essential, allowing him to position himself more assertively and face challenges with more maturity.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of a postgraduate course like the PPCA for the professional and personal growth of its participants.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Andrei Luiz Demétrio e Silva.

Antônio Sérgio Cruz Gaia.

Deriks Karlay Dias Costa.

Fabrício de Sousa Ribeiro.


The graduate works at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará, in Itaituba-PA, and his professional activity is directly related to his training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA). During his master's degree, his dissertation resulted in an article published in a national journal.

The impact of the postgraduate program on his professional career was significant, promoting his salary increase and expanding his academic opportunities. He is very satisfied with the training he received and recommends the course to other professionals.

Fabricio highlighted the flexibility of the program as a decisive factor in his choice and also emphasized the excellence of the professors: “the high level of excellence of the professors provided essential learning for my career”, stating that “if the program offers a doctorate course, I will certainly apply for a position, if available”.

The trajectory of the PPCA graduate demonstrates the importance of a flexible and high-quality postgraduate program, which not only offers academic growth, but also opens doors for advancement in a professional career.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Igor Bruno Liz Gadelha.

Leonardo Zani Zamprogno.


The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA) has achieved significant results, such as the publication of an article in a national journal, an article in an international journal, a chapter in a book and the registration of a patent.

Leonardo currently works at the Instituto Federal do Pará (IFPA), on the Castanhal campus, where he has achieved job and salary advancement, due to his academic career progression. He was also hired as a professor at Faculdade Gamaliel, expanding his work in higher education.

In his assessment, the graduate says he is very satisfied with the program and recommends the course to other professionals interested in advancing their careers. Leonardo highlights that the PPCA was fundamental to his professional trajectory, providing the knowledge and opportunities that boosted his growth.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of the PPCA in the training of highly qualified professionals, contributing significantly to the academic, scientific and professional development of its participants.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Luiz Carlos de Souza Barbosa.


The graduate works at the Federal University of Pará, Tucuruí campus, and his professional activity is directly related to his training in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPCA).

The impact of the postgraduate program on his career was significant, resulting in job advancement and salary increase, highlighting the relevance of the course for his professional growth.

Luiz considers himself satisfied with the training he received. He highlights that his experience in PPCA was excellent, especially with regard to scientific research, technical and scientific learning, in addition to the opportunity to establish a network of contacts with renowned professionals in the field.

The PPCA graduate's trajectory highlighted the importance of postgraduate programs that, in addition to offering quality training, also provided advanced opportunities for academic and professional development.

Art and Text: PPCA (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Marcos Felipe Ferreira Amazonas de Souza.

Vitor Pinheiro Alves.

Willys do Socorro Almeida Campos.



Gerson Lima Serejo.

Marcelo Rocha de Sá.

Silvia Mariana Furtado Brabo.