Partnerships with other agencies and institutions
Since the beginning of its activities, the PPCA has had the support of municipalities, public agencies, companies, industries, educational and research institutions, among others. The Tucuruí University Campus (CAMTUC / UFPA) and the Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Amazônico em Engenharia (NDAE), to which the PPCA is bound to. The Program has signed interinstitutional cooperation agreements, which have contributed to the consolidation of the Program and the development of several activities and projects together. In this sense, we can highlight interactions of the Program with the municipal government of Tucuruí and Breu Branco, with municipal hospitals and with the companies Eletrobrás / Eletronorte, Dow Corning Silício do Brasil, Palmira Lumbering Industry. Eletronorte will make available some of its facilities for conducting research and internship activities of PPCA students.